Friday, 23 December 2011

David Cameron - "Britain is a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so" Do you agree?
David Cameron - "Britain is a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so"
Do you agree?

I don't think he has a right to say what religion a nation or state is, and as far as its looking in England its becoming a Muslim country.

Hell no!!!

Yes he's right.

The law of the land would disagree,

Becoming a Muslim country? Really? How so and when Muslims only make up 2 million of England’s population?

from the above posts you can see that Britain means England-ergo there is no such place as Britain any longer.

He said more then that....that Christianity can cure Islamic fundamentalism.............religion of Norway terrorist?

Hell no!!!! That's true, how can he determine the religion of a country without statistics, I absolutely despise that man

Amanda come on, at least attempt to justify your sensationalist tabloidesque BNP rhetoric

I say Britain is a secular liberal democracy and it should not be afraid to say so!!!

I think you'd find that the Norwegian terrorist was politically motivated, not religiously motivated.

I didn't know DC was a Christian ! Think it should be confirmed by the Churches of England , Scotland & dare I say it Wales. Many are called but few are chosen so I am informed.

the two million must be in London

I am a Christian but I don’t think politics and religion should mix...The UK is the home to many different religions and non-believers so it not wise for a PM to say this as it can caused divisions...But everyone as the right to express their beliefs...

I know DC is a Tory, so he doesn’t like human rights, but telling me I am a Christian, when I am not, sounds like a breach of my human rights to me, there is no legal requirement placed by the state/country to be a Christian, in fact the law specifically stops discrimination against those without religious beliefs, as it does those with religious beliefs being discriminated against,
as said above, we live in a secular liberal democracy,

Nope, 2 million across the country...that majority in England of course. A poll back in 2005 and on BBC website, said that 67% of people in the UK identified themselves as Christian, even though they didn't attend church. The next religion was 3% of the population stating it. Anyone got an update to that...or a recent poll?

No, I think Britain is a country of diverse religions, not just a Christian country.

The majority in England I meant...

Britain is whatever the government of the time wants it to be.

Since when has "Muslim" been a religion?... I think you mean Islam.

I wonder what Nick Clegg thinks of this?

I know what the difference between Muslim and Islam is clever dick.....I meant to say that 3% were Muslim.

The fact that the head of state is a Christian and many of the members of the House of Lords are members of the Christian faith plus we have to swear upon the Christian bible in a court of law are all quite good reasons why we might be seen as a Christian state, to name but a few.

if 3% are Muslim, why do you then say DC is right by saying that British people are Christians Donna, or what about that other 33% who don’t self identify as Christian?

The head of state? well her son says he wants to be defender of all faiths Michael, there are Muslim and humanist lords too, also I can swear on any book I like in court or non, or just give an oath,

Yes I totally agree with him.

What mad American is he trying to bum up now with that rhetoric?

actually Daniel now you said that im changing my mind, its the 400th anniversary since the king james bible was written, im sure we can sell some special edition bibles to Americans at a decent price,

Yes we are all Christian! get your bibles here!

If Britain is Christian, then I'm not British. Ah well, was never into nationalism anyway. :)

You don’t have to swear on the Bible in court...If you are an atheist or agnostic....there’s no point. You can opt to afirm/tell the truth you read the oath from a card....

although I wont deny Britain used to be a Christian country, after all we even had blasphemy laws until fairly recently, where Christians and thew government would put you in jail and punish you for not being a Christian.

Not quite sure that is a moral we should aspire to do though, jailing those of different world views...

Don't forget we also have Jewish courts for some civil matters for the Jewish communities here. We should also have the same for Muslims, of course only elements that are compatible with contemporary UK law.

I don't want to be part of a Christian Britain, I'm atheist and proud to be British, Cameron appeasing the Tory right again, I guess

Tell you who I also feel sorry for, liberal Christians, who get lumped in with the more authoritarian ones, when in reality their beliefs couldn’t be more different.

Yes we are a bloody Christian country and I for one commend the Prime Minister for this move!

B.B. Black, I think you might want to consider not defining yourself as not being a believer in god,

I myself am a naturalist, amongst other things, I think that say "I am an atheist" just encourages people like Cameron to say we are a Christian country. AS you could more power to "theism" by defining yourself by it still.

Christians should not be afraid to say they are so but Britain is not a Christian country and Cameron certainly doesn't have the values of a Christian.

No! When Cameron talks shit just flows out of his mouth, unlike miliband, who has shit wedged up his nostrils.

I wonder if people would be commending Nick Griffin if these were his comments.

Religious influence on Politics is wrong. I don't remember Jesus Christ, Mohammad or any other divine entities being voted into the Commons.

The man is deluded......the UK is a multi-faith society......and the vast majority are atheist or agnostic.......

The British Social Attitudes survey in 2007 showed that about 46% of the population said they have no religion, while about 48% identified as Christian (that's including all varieties, the Church of England itself only accounted for 21%). Even before you take into account the phenomenon of people identifying culturally with a religion without actually believing or practising any of it, it's clear that this is not a Christian country.

I think Mr. Cameron is playing politics he accused Dr Rowan Williams of not speaking out for the whole nation....because Dr. Williams defended the rioters and spoke out against the cuts....I think its get your own back time.....

The census showed that the majority of Britons are Christian and for that reason he is right to say we're a Christian country and he is right to say that we should not be afraid of saying it. A good point is also raised about if Nick Griffin was saying it - he has and has been criticized heavily for it. I think this reflects that our political system is a popularity contest, and the way the electorate perceive a politician regardless of his/her policies is crucial.

Exactly R.F., most "Christians" in the UK define themselves as such because "I was christened" or "Well I think there's something out there". The fact is that less than 10% go to church, the Queen may be the head of the Church of England, but she doesn't represent me. We are far from a Christian country and THANK GOD

Well Jesus was the creator of the Christian religion and he had no part of politics....He spoke out against injustice and oppression but he did not aspire to be part of the ruling class....As he said to Pilot "my kindom is not of this world"...

Craig Potter
Jesus would want you all to sign epetitions/29. Google it. Doesn't making mother earth illegal seem a little paranoid to you?

Jim, with all do respect, I am not theist, so I am atheist, basic English.

B.B., there are many world views that do not have a God or gods, some of them do however have other magical and supernatural beliefs, some Buddhists have no gods, are "atheists", are you a Buddhist?

Defining yourself as a negative is a bit silly though. I don't define my ethnicity as 'not black'.

I guess it just shows that the battle lines are drawn by the faithful, really.

Yes, if I pointed to a cat and asked what is that, and you said, "not a dog", id be just as disgruntled.

No, I believe in no religion , I am sorry if the word for that is not 'atheist'

Nigel Woodcock
if you mean that the British establishment is pious and full of shit, then yes - I agree.

I encourage you to use different words, words have power, I do think in a small way, using "atheist" just empowers authoritarian-theists.

Many people with religious faith say they have no religion, but personal relationship with God B.B..

I prefer using naturalist, empiricist, etc., along with liberal, transhumanist, humanist, and a bunch of other what seem to be positive descriptors. I am not a "A conservative", I am liberal

England is the least Christian part of the UK.

The simple fact of the matter is - the state and religion should be separate in modern times. We are supposed to be diverse and tolerant aren't we? From my area I would say this is now a majority atheist country, but I don’t see where that or any religion comes into government policy for the masses!

Richard Frazer
Britain has a Christian foundation and that is clearly present, however it is trying very hard to be multi-faith (which is a great and right thing). At the same time it should be trying and perhaps it is failing at this at separating the religious elements from politics. Cameron should not be appealing for a cheap quick Christian vote.
It is and obvious easy win for a good few thousand votes though.

Tony Blair did it in the past and now it appears to be Cameron’s turn.

That’s not the same as you are a liberal so why would you say a conservative? Whereas when comes to religion, I am nothing - have no affiliation

We have our holidays at Christmas and still celebrate Christian festivals as a nation so I see Britain as Christian but to me its irrelevant/doesn't bother me. I am still free to practice whichever religion I choose or no religion at all and that's what matters.

Richard Frazer
Sorry B.B. - Say that again mate. I don't understand :p

In relation to J.R.s comment :P

Richard Frazer
Ah now it makes sense :p

Christmas is not a Christian festival

Richard Frazer
Very Pagon

John Britton
Think society is too diverse for Britain to be classed as Christian and most Christians in Britain don't follow there religion plus price Charles wants his title changing to "defender of the faiths" I read some where

True, a lot of pagan rituals are included during Christmas.

Originally it was Pagan. Today Christmas is mostly celebrated by people who are of the religion of Consumerism and its followers worship products that they don't need but their religious scripture called "advertising" tells them they do. They attend ceremonies leading up until the big day in shopping malls where they come home with gifts for other followers of the religion. They display their pride in their religion by lightening up the outside of their homes, increasing their electricity bills and harming the environment all in the name of "Christmas". They insist on forcing their religion on others by constantly asking their work colleagues 'What are you doing for Christmas?" Finally on 'Christmas Day' they force themselves to a vegetable they don't like, brussel sprouts. Don't get me started on the brainwashing of their children...........

I think J.R.'s beef is that using religious terminology and defining yourself as 'not one of them' centres the argument on their position, rather than yours. Not believing in a god should be the default position, since religion is taught to people. There should be a way to describe your system of belief that doesn't require reference to the opposite one.

^^That will be the majority of the population then J.B.

Originally it was Pagan...yeah, over 2 thousand years ago.

Cameron speaks for the majority, the majority and being Christian, whether you like it or not :)

It beats me why J.Bis even living in this country. Doesn't like the Monarchy, doesn't like the fact Britain is culturally a Christian country and hates Christmas....uhm, is there anything about this country you do like J.B?....

Less than 10% of the population go to church. Cameron doesn't believe in God anymore than he believes in the Tooth Fairy, he's doing it for PR

Jake Quirke
seriously, in the interest of a maturing humanity, can we stop calling out to imaginary friends? I'd have thought we'd have grown out of this by now.

Good point Jill. I'd describe myself as Liberal Christian...or Protestant as I prefer to say and because I'm Methodist. No...we do not like being lumped in with the authoritarian ones.

I will say we are not a Muslim country..... yet. BTW, my religion is goodwill. Any other religion is just a story made up to keep the human race in check ;)

Donna, I was born in this country but am actually emigrating to Canada next year. I don't like the Monarchy no, but they don't tend to bother me. Culturally Christian maybe, but not religiously Christian. As for Christmas, my post was more tongue in cheek. I do indeed appreciate the fact that I was born in a liberal tolerant democracy where we have freedom of speech, and a free healthcare and education system, built on years of invading other countries and stealing their resources of course but nevertheless I am grateful that I live in one of the richest countries in the world.

The real Christian Festival is Advent which means arrival...It starts the Christian New Year..It begins the nearest Sunday to the 30th Nov. St Andrews day and ends midnight on Christmas Eve...

Christmas Trees and the rest are more to do with the pagan festival of light...The Christian Festival just got high-J.Bed....

Think it was the pagan/druid festival that got hiJ.Bed? Yule log was German I think, Christmas tree, holly and Ivy, mistletoe are originally pagan traditions that were adopted.

Yep, it's a plagiarised holiday for a plagiarised prophet. Jesus's defining traits are ripped straight from other religious figures, like Mithras, Osiris, and Anakin Skywalker.

David Cameron is right we are a Christian Country. That is what it was when I was born and that it was it should be today and that is what we should be fighting for. We are not anything else but a Christian Country

Chris Hitchens would be turning n his grave.

Absolute rubbish how many people attend church regularly 2million in a country of 70 million! Yeah its really Christian

M.J.N. James Norris.. Unless you have a link to the complete Census results (and I know you do not), do not quote misinformation. The Census showed that the majority of the British public put their own or no religion.

But the common values of this country are based on values defined by Christianity. Thou shalt not steal, murder, commit adultery. OK, so the last one is common and you don't get arrested for, but you have an 'affair' and the workplace, neighbours are still judging you. The two great commandments though that Jesus offered was love god, love neighbour, and though you can call him God, Jehovah or Allah a lot of people, believe in the deity but not a religion. And Labour, Liberal, Conservative they love the neighbour, and even Mr Cameron I think wants people at the bottom to improve their lot, but maybe feels that it is done from a people changing inside and not relying on the state.

@Michael Cain, if this is and has been a Christian country...what exactly what should you be 'fighting for'?

William where do you get 2 million from? Most surveys suggest at the least churches have 1 in 14 of the population worship on a Sunday...which is over 4 million.

Many people may not go to church but still get married there. I personally don't think that simply attend a place of worship makes you become a faithful follower. My husband is Christian but rarely attends church. He believes in keeping to Christian values and holds the belief like me that 'God is everywhere....split a piece of wood and you will find me, lift a stone and I am there...' (think that's the quote?). Many people don't follow organised religion but still follow teachings of that religion.

Christian value based country good lord tell these people that then!

or these

At the time of Jesus Birth (which was very probably not December) King Harod held a census...also Caesar Agustus kept a yearly a/c of population for tax purposes....Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem because Joseph was of Davids Line so he had to register were his ancestors where born...Hence Jesus Birth in Bethlehem...Luke 2:1-4...

Jesus was mentioned in the Jewish Talmud and Jewish historian Josephus an eyewitness wrote about him so did Muhammad when writing the Koran...

There are 5000 historical document to support the validity of the New Testament. More than any other ancient book. All the Gospels were published within the lifetimes of eyewitnesses and yet no record of anyone ever refuting their veracity...

Pilgrims who travel to Israel to walk where Jesus walked may soon have something new to connect them with the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Scholars have recently examined a box carved out of soft limestone, made to hold the bones of a first-century Jew. On its side is carved an Aramaic inscription, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."

The bone box, known as an ossuary, is in the hands of a private collector in Jerusalem. But its existence, revealed in a news conference today in Washington, D.C., has already generated a buzz among archaeologists and biblical scholars.

The news conference was convened by Biblical Archaeological Review, which reports "an archaeological landmark" in its November-December issue. The ossuary was not uncovered in an archaeological excavation, but apparently surfaced on the antiquities market. This means that potentially important evidence for evaluating the box is missing.

But experts consulted by BAR and Christianity Today seem satisfied that it really is a 2,000-year old artefact. BAR editor Hershel Shanks asked for an analysis by the Geological Survey of Israel. Retired Wheaton College professor John McRay, author of Archaeology and the New Testament, says the survey's lab report was convincing. "Six different pieces of the patina of the stone were looked at through that laboratory," he said. "It was verified, by people who are not Christians, that the date on this is first century and there is no evidence of recent disturbances of the box."

"I have no question it is an ancient artefact from the first century," said Eric Meyers, the Bernice and Morton Lerner Professor of Judaic Studies and Director of the Graduate Program in Religion at Duke University. "It appears to be the oldest extra-biblical, non-literary mention of Jesus in the context of the nascent Christian church, and that's pretty significant.".....

A.K., could you tell me some more detail? The talmud is a long read, where is Jesus mentioned? How many independent people have verified the inscription on the box?

My sky fairy is better than yours!

I agree.

I take exception,as an aesthetic,having Christianity forced on me all the time,fact is we were a a Pagan country long before Christianity came along,most of the feast days and symbolism were stolen from paganism anyway

I agree that there are many pagan symbols used Andy but I’m glad to say I don't feel its forced on me. I suppose it depends on the family/community in which you grow up.

Well it was certainly forced on me at school,having to read the Lords prayer every day,and every Christmas forced into doing a play with a tea towel tied around my head,not good

Was it forced at home too Andy? Only I guess as a non Christian it was all different and bit of novelty to me back then. Although I was wondered why people like myself never got to play any lead roles. Best part I ever had was to be a star...not THE star, just a random star with all the other leftovers that teachers don't know what to do with lol.

N.S., those are values that are common to most cultures of any religion or none. Christianity didn't invent the principle that murder and theft are wrong.

Most people in Britain are atheists and agnostics. The biggest religion in the country is Protestant Christianity, followed by Islam.

I understand where is pointing David Cameron. He is not a very religious person but understands perfectly the thing I expressed myself about immigrants and moderate nationalism and about European culture. Europeans have Christian roots and all our society started from this point. David Cameron want to mark this thing very clear for all immigrants. They must adapt if they want to live in Europe with us, native Europeans.

When I will go to Arab countries, Africa or anywhere else, I will adapt my behaviour to their society and FROM RESPECT for that society, I WILL NOT TRY TO ASK TOO MUCH FOR ME, so to modify their society for me to have more and more and more right. I do not think that I will be a second class citizen if I RESPECT the country that offer me a better living.

yes but each less believe

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